Posts tagged #plaid cozies

DIY: Plaid Mason Jar Cozies

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Mason jars are the perfect vessel for serving up all kinds of homemade goodness, however, they are not well suited for serving boiling hot liquids such as coffee and hot cocoa. Unless maybe you are wearing gloves. We solved that minor issue with this inexpensive craft – The Mason Jar Cocoa Sleeve

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What you need:


Printed fabric of your choice (we like the rustic plaid!)

Pinking sheers


Sewing machine


Mason Jar

Measuring tape 


First: Measure your mason jar - we used the 8oz size. You want to add a few inches to the length so you have enough let to sew the ends together. I cut the felt using pinking sheers to give it a more finished look. Next, measure your fabric to be a few centimeters smaller than the felt on all sides.

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Now center your fabric on the piece of felt and then sew in place. 

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Next, sew the two ends together so that the Mason jar will fit snugly inside. The felt will stretch a little so don’t be afraid to sew a few centimeters smaller than the jar. You certainly don’t want the sleeve slipping off the jar and getting scalding hot liquid all over your friends! I ended up sewing a line and then testing the snugness, then sewing a second line until it fit properly.  Now, I am not the greatest sewer, so you will notice a lot of imperfections in the final product. However, when it's all said and done, they still look pretty freaking adorable.

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You're done! Now go fill up the jars with delicious homemade hot cocoa mix